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This section assumes you have successfully installed zamba and are ready to train a model or identify species in your images and videos!

zamba can be used "out of the box" to generate predictions or train a model using your own images and videos. By default, zamba expects video, but using images is just as easy. To perform inference, you simply need to run zamba predict or zamba image predict followed by a set of arguments that let zamba know where your media is located, which model you want to use, and where to save your output. To train a model, you can similarly run zamba train or zamba image train and specify your labels. The following sections provide details about these separate modules.

There are two ways to interact with the zamba package:

  1. Use zamba as a command line interface tool. This page provides an overview of how to use the CLI.
  2. Import zamba in Python and use it as a Python package.

This guide uses the CLI, but you can see the prediction tutorial or the training tutorial, which have both the CLI and Python approaches documented.

Installation is the same for both the command line interface tool and the Python package.

All of the commands on this page should be run at the command line. On macOS, this can be done in the terminal (⌘+space, "Terminal"). On Windows, this can be done in a command prompt, or if you installed Anaconda an anaconda prompt (Start > Anaconda3 > Anaconda Prompt).

How do I organize my images or videos for zamba?

You can specify the path to a directory of images or videos or specify a list of filepaths in a .csv file. zamba supports the same image formats as pillow and the same video formats as FFmpeg, which are listed here. Any images or videos that fail a set of validation checks will be skipped during inference or training.

For example, say we have a directory of videos called example_vids that we want to generate predictions for using zamba. Let's list the videos:

$ ls example_vids/

Here are some screenshots from those videos:

Blank frame seen from a camera trap
Leopard seen from a camera trap
Elephant seen from a camera trap

In this example, the videos have meaningful names so that we can easily compare the predictions made by zamba. In practice, your videos will probably be named something much less useful!

Generating predictions for videos

To generate and save predictions for your videos using the default settings, run:

$ zamba predict --data-dir example_vids/

zamba will output a .csv file with rows labeled by each video filename and columns for each class (ie. species). The default prediction will store all class probabilities, so that cell (i,j) is the probability that animal j is present in video i. Comprehensive predictions are helpful when a single video contains multiple species.

Predictions will be saved to zamba_predictions.csv in the current working directory by default. You can save out predictions to a different folder using the --save-dir argument.

Adding the argument --output-class-names will simplify the predictions to return only the most likely animal in each video:

$ zamba predict --data-dir example_vids/ --output-class-names
$ cat zamba_predictions.csv

There are pretrained models that ship with zamba: blank_nonblank, time_distributed, slowfast, and european. Which model you should use depends on your priorities and geography (see the Available Models page for more details). By default zamba will use the time_distributed model. Add the --model argument to specify one of other options:

$ zamba predict --data-dir example_vids/ --model slowfast

Generating predictions for images

To generate and save predictions for your images using the default settings, run:

$ zamba image predict --data-dir example_images/

Predictions will be saved to zamba_predictions.csv in the current working directory by default. You can save out predictions to a different folder using the --save-dir argument. zamba will output a .csv file with rows labeled by each detected bounding box in each filename and columns for each class (ie. species):

$ cat zamba_predictions.csv

The detection_category and detection_conf come from MegaDetector which we use to find bounding boxes around individual animals in images. A detection_category of "1" indicates the presence of an animal, and detection_conf is the confidence the animal classifier had in the presence of an animal. The columns x1, y1, x2, y2 indicate the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners of the bounding box relative to the top-left corner of the image. The remaining columns are the scores assigned to each species for the individual animal in the given bounding box. These scores will sum to one.

Training a model

You can continue training one of the models that ships with zamba by either:

  • Finetuning with additional labeled images or videos where the species are included in the list of zamba class labels
  • Finetuning with labeled images or videos that include new species

In either case, the commands for training are the same. Say that we have labels for the videos in the example_vids folder saved in example_labels.csv. To train a model, run:

$ zamba train --data-dir example_vids/ --labels example_labels.csv

The labels file must have columns for both filepath and label. The filepath column should contain either absolute paths or paths relative to the data-dir. Optionally, there can also be columns for split (train, val, or holdout) and site. Let's print the example labels:

$ cat example_labels.csv

By default, the trained model and additional training output will be saved to a version_n folder in the current working directory. For example,

$ zamba train --data-dir example_vids/ --labels example_labels.csv
$ ls version_0/

For images, all the above is true except the command is zamba image train.

Downloading model weights

zamba needs to download the "weights" files for the models it uses to make predictions. On first run, it will download ~200-2000 MB of files with these weights depending which model you choose. Once a model's weights are downloaded, zamba will use the local version and will not need to perform this download again. If you are not in the United States, we recommend running the above command with the additional flag either --weight_download_region eu or --weight_download_region asia depending on your location. The closer you are to the server, the faster the downloads will be.

Getting help

Once zamba is installed, you can see more details of each function with --help. For example, you can run zamba predict --help:

Usage: zamba predict [OPTIONS]

  Identify species in a video.

  This is a command line interface for prediction on camera trap footage.
  Given a path to camera trap footage, the predict function use a deep
  learning model to predict the presence or absense of a variety of species of
  common interest to wildlife researchers working with camera trap data.

  If an argument is specified in both the command line and in a yaml file, the
  command line input will take precedence.

  --data-dir PATH                 Path to folder containing videos.
  --filepaths PATH                Path to csv containing `filepath` column
                                  with videos.
  --model [time_distributed|slowfast|european]
                                  Model to use for inference. Model will be
                                  superseded by checkpoint if provided.
                                  [default: time_distributed]
  --checkpoint PATH               Model checkpoint path to use for inference.
                                  If provided, model is not required.
  --gpus INTEGER                  Number of GPUs to use for inference. If not
                                  specifiied, will use all GPUs found on
  --batch-size INTEGER            Batch size to use for training.
  --save / --no-save              Whether to save out predictions. If you want
                                  to specify the output directory, use
                                  save_dir instead.
  --save-dir PATH                 An optional directory in which to save the
                                  model predictions and configuration yaml.
                                  Defaults to the current working directory if
                                  save is True.
  --dry-run / --no-dry-run        Runs one batch of inference to check for
  --config PATH                   Specify options using yaml configuration
                                  file instead of through command line
  --proba-threshold FLOAT         Probability threshold for classification
                                  between 0 and 1. If specified binary
                                  predictions are returned with 1 being
                                  greater than the threshold, 0 being less
                                  than or equal to. If not specified,
                                  probabilities between 0 and 1 are returned.
  --output-class-names / --no-output-class-names
                                  If True, we just return a video and the name
                                  of the most likely class. If False, we
                                  return a probability or indicator (depending
                                  on --proba_threshold) for every possible
  --num-workers INTEGER           Number of subprocesses to use for data
  --weight-download-region [us|eu|asia]
                                  Server region for downloading weights.
  --skip-load-validation / --no-skip-load-validation
                                  Skip check that verifies all videos can be
                                  loaded prior to inference. Only use if
                                  you're very confident all your videos can be
  -o, --overwrite                 Overwrite outputs in the save directory if
                                  they exist.
  -y, --yes                       Skip confirmation of configuration and
                                  proceed right to prediction.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Or if you are training a model, you can run zamba train --help:

$ zamba train --help

Usage: zamba train [OPTIONS]

  Train a model on your labeled data.

  If an argument is specified in both the command line and in a yaml file, the
  command line input will take precedence.

  --data-dir PATH                 Path to folder containing videos.
  --labels PATH                   Path to csv containing video labels.
  --model [time_distributed|slowfast|european]
                                  Model to train. Model will be superseded by
                                  checkpoint if provided.  [default:
  --checkpoint PATH               Model checkpoint path to use for training.
                                  If provided, model is not required.
  --config PATH                   Specify options using yaml configuration
                                  file instead of through command line
  --batch-size INTEGER            Batch size to use for training.
  --gpus INTEGER                  Number of GPUs to use for training. If not
                                  specifiied, will use all GPUs found on
  --dry-run / --no-dry-run        Runs one batch of train and validation to
                                  check for bugs.
  --save-dir PATH                 An optional directory in which to save the
                                  model checkpoint and configuration file. If
                                  not specified, will save to a `version_n`
                                  folder in your working directory.
  --num-workers INTEGER           Number of subprocesses to use for data
  --weight-download-region [us|eu|asia]
                                  Server region for downloading weights.
  --skip-load-validation / --no-skip-load-validation
                                  Skip check that verifies all videos can be
                                  loaded prior to training. Only use if you're
                                  very confident all your videos can be
  -y, --yes                       Skip confirmation of configuration and
                                  proceed right to training.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.